
Tips on Choosing Doggy Clothes

It may be hard to believe, but winter is just around the corner. As the leaves change, many people are storing their summer things and digging out winter gear. If your canine buddy has thin fur, he may also need a winter wardrobe. Read on as a London, ON vet offers some advice on choosing doggy clothes.


Fido’s clothes should neither be too tight or too loose. It can be hard to tell if something will fit by looking at it in a store. We recommend texting yourself Fido’s measurements, so you always have them with you.

Types of Clothing

A warm sweater or coat can keep your pooch comfy on cold winter days. Fido may also need a raincoat for dreary days, and a lighter jacket for days that are just a bit chilly.


Certain materials can be itchy for our canine friends. Wool, for instance, can be pretty scratchy. If your pet has allergies or skin problems, you’ll also need to take care to choose something that won’t irritate him.


Avoid getting clothes with small pieces, like buttons, that Fido could try to eat. You’ll also want to stay away from anything with dangling threads, as they could choke or entangle your pooch.


We don’t really recommend doggy clothes with zippers: it’s too easy for those little teeth to catch Fido’s fur. Some types of buttons can also catch your canine friend’s coat.

Fur Type

Your pet’s clothing needs will depend very much on what type of fur he has. Dogs with thick, fluffy coats, like Huskies and Malamutes, can actually overheat in clothes. Pups with thin coats, on the other hand, can get cold very quickly when the temperature drops. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Fido’s Fashion Sense

Give Fido a say in his wardrobe. While some dogs love to prance around in little outfits, others prefer their birthday suits. Don’t force your pet to submit if he doesn’t like dressing up! That said, if your furry friend doesn’t mind wearing clothes, have some fun with him! Pick a distinguished plaid for an older pooch, or something pink and feminine for a female pup.

Please feel free to contact us, your London, ON veterinary clinic, anytime. We’re here to serve all of your pet’s veterinary care needs, and can provide your pet with the best care around.

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