
Tips On Walking Your Cat

Do you have a courageous and adventurous pet? Cats each have their own individual purrsonalities. Although many of these lovable little furballs prefer to lounge around all day, soaking up the sun and chasing catnip mice, some kitties are much more adventurous than that. As you may have noticed, we strongly recommend keeping cats indoors. It’s important to keep Fluffy indoors to ensure her safety. By staying inside, she is shielded from potential dangers such as cars, harsh weather conditions, wild animals, and encounters with stray or aggressive pets and individuals. Walking your pet is a great way to provide them with the best of both worlds. This article provides advice from a vet in London, ON on how to walk Fluffy properly.

What Are The Advantages of Walking My Cat?

Fluffy benefits from walks in many of the same ways as humans do. She’ll get some exercise, which is excellent for her overall health and well-being. As kittens, our feline pals are full of zoomies, but they tend to become less active over time. (Eventually, your pet will be able to sleep 20 hours a day, but that’s another topic.) 

Aside from that, going for a walk can provide your furry friend with some much-needed stimulation. Cats, like humans, need enrichment in order to flourish. Exploring new things can be a thrilling and enjoyable experience for your inquisitive little companion!

Is Walking Your Cat A Good Idea?

Although there are advantages to taking Fluffy for a walk, it’s crucial to realize that not all cats will find it enjoyable. In fact, for a timid pet, going for a walk can be an overwhelming experience. 

Things could also go the other way. If Fluffy likes walks too much, she could start getting overly enthusiastic about them, and may even attempt to escape whenever someone opens the door.

How Can I Teach My Cat To Walk With A Leash?

Simply putting a leash on your feline friend and expecting her to calmly walk beside you is not the best approach. Fluffy needs to get used to wearing a harness long before she sets those cute little paws of hers outside. 

When shopping for a harness, avoid options that attach the leash at the neck. Something with a back clip is better. Make sure it fits well, and isn’t too big or too small.


At first, just let Fluffy wear the harness inside the house. You want her to form a positive association with the harness. Help this along by giving her things she enjoys, like treats or catnip, while she’s wearing it. Your furry pal might initially plop down and resist any attempts to get up. This ‘cat flop’ is only to be expected. Just give her some time to become accustomed to the situation. Although your kitty may initially appear a bit unsettled, she should acclimate before long.

Make sure Fluffy is always supervised when she is wearing the harness! You don’t want her getting entangled!

After that, you can start putting the leash on. Let her pull it behind her. She might initially attack it or try to escape from it. 

Once your cat is comfortable with the leash, you can start taking her outside.

Getting Ready

Safety first! Before venturing out with your beloved furry friend, double check to make sure that she has received all necessary vaccinations and is protected against parasites. Fluffy should be microchipped and wearing up-to-date ID tags. Consider getting a GPS or air tag for her harness too, just to be safe.

Fluffy’s First Walk

It’s best to start with a quick first walk. Simply go out into the yard or sidewalk and allow your kitty to familiarize herself with the surroundings. Although she may initially feel anxious, she’ll probably get curious. Don’t insist on keeping her outside if she starts crying or attempting to flee indoors.

What Is The Appropriate Age To Start Walking Your Cat?

Cats of almost any age can learn to be walked. Ideally, it would be best to do this around the end of little Fluffy’s socialization window, which occurs around 3 months. During this time, she is shaping her perspectives on the world. Introducing her to a variety of individuals and situations during this period can assist in her development into a sociable and open-minded adult feline. However, that isn’t a must: you can still teach an adult cat to walk. Plus, your kitty will need to complete that first round of vaccinations and parasite control first. 

Be sure to get your vet’s approval. Don’t take little Fluffy anywhere before you get the green light!

Is It Safe For Cats To Go For Walks?

Most cats should have no problem going for a walk with their owners. However, there are some exceptions here. If Fluffy is a senior and hasn’t become accustomed to walks yet, it’s probably best to just leave her be. 

Not all cats are built for intense physical activity. Persians and other brachycephalic pets can quickly lose their breath, especially in hot weather. Cats with medical issues may struggle, while bald kitties won’t be comfortable in extreme weather conditions, regardless of whether it’s hot or cold. Walking may not be suitable for very young kittens. Consult with your veterinarian for guidance.

Finally, make sure your pet has been fixed. If you want to learn about low income spay and neuter, give us a call!

Are There Any Downsides To Walking A Cat?

It’s important to consider drawbacks as well. Once you’ve trained Fluffy to wear a harness and enjoy walks, it becomes a permanent part of her daily kitty routine. If your cat enjoys going for walks, be prepared for her to insist on those daily strolls. She may give you some cattitude if she doesn’t get to go out!

There are some safety risks, though taking some simple precautions can greatly mitigate them. Be sure to watch for cars, loose dogs, and any potential dangers on the sidewalk, such as broken glass, antifreeze puddles, and chemical spills. You’ll need to use a short leash instead of a retractable one to ensure that your kitty stays close to you and doesn’t wander too far.

Another thing to keep in mind? Walking cats is quite different from walking dogs. Allow your pet to freely explore, as long as she remains within secure boundaries.

Last but not least, always exercise caution when approaching trees. If Fluffy gets frightened—or even just curious—she might instinctively attempt to climb one, and could get stuck or entangled. That is not a situation you want to find yourself in! 

Always remember to use a leash and harness when taking your kitty outside!

Can I Take My Feline Friend For A Walk In A Stroller?

Getting Fluffy a small stroller is an option to consider. There are several advantages to choosing this option. Your pet will be better contained and have added protection against potential threats. 

What Other Ways Can I Keep My Cat Happy?

Fluffy should have more sources of entertainment than just walks. Your feline friend values both toys and playtime. Your cat will also appreciate having plenty of opportunities to explore and climb around the house. While cat trees are certainly a popular choice, there are other options to keep your adorable pet entertained, such as providing them with empty boxes and newspaper tunnels. (Tip: Window seats are a favorite among our feline friends.)

Schedule an Appointment at Our Vet in London, Ontario

Do you have questions about walking your cat? Feel free to reach out to us, your nearby Vets in London, at any time. We are delighted to assist you!

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