
Traveling With Your Furry Companion

Do you have any plans for a trip during the late summer? Maybe you’re heading to a secluded lodge or joining your family at the beach. Many of our adorable animal companions thoroughly enjoy venturing to new places alongside their beloved humans. Continue reading for tips from a London, ON veterinarian on traveling with your beloved pets.

Crate Pets For Travel

It is required by law that pets must travel in a container or carrier when flying on airplanes. Typically, there are no such universal regulations regarding car rides, but crating pets is still undoubtedly the best choice. Although Fido may look cute while riding with his head out the window, that can be incredibly hazardous. Your dog will be vulnerable to getting hit by bugs, gravel, dust, and even lighted cigarettes. In addition, if you were to suddenly have to come to a screeching halt—or even worse, be involved in an accident—he could suffer severe and potentially fatal injuries.

Taking time to make sure that your pet feels at ease in their crate should start well in advance of the journey. It’s best to start this process when your furry friend is still quite young. It is important for your dog to feel at ease when being crated for travel or appointments, even if you don’t intend to crate him every night. For this to happen, your pet needs to see their crate as a cozy den, rather than a prison. You want him to develop positive connections with it. Begin by providing toys and treats in their crate, and gradually transition to feeding them in it. As you continue, you can move on to gently shutting the door and gradually extending the duration of your pet’s stay inside the crate.

Another option to consider is automobile seat belts and netting. These keep your beloved pet from roaming the cabin and causing any disruptions, but they may not offer protection in case of an accident. Check out reviews and reach out to your veterinarian for assistance.

Do Some Pets Get Carsick?

Just like humans, pets are susceptible to motion sickness. If your furry pal becomes sick while traveling, you can help them adjust by gradually exposing them to longer and longer car rides. Your veterinarian can also provide medication if needed.

Another important point to remember is that if your pet tends to get carsick, it’s best not to feed them right before a trip.

Keep Pets Comfy

Comfort is king when it comes to road trips. Getting your furry pal an exceptional crate is a solid starting point, but there are other factors to consider as well.

  • Make sure that the cabin is cozy and inviting. Before taking your pet out to the car, it’s a good idea to start the engine and adjust the climate control, especially if you’re traveling in the summer or winter.
  • Proper air circulation is also essential. Roll a window part way down and/or start the air conditioning.
  • Never leave pets unattended in cars, especially in hot weather. Temps inside cars can hit deadly levels in just a few minutes! When working with dogs, it’s important to take regular breaks so that Fido can stretch his legs and take care of his needs. This is a fantastic opportunity to utilize a park or trail locator app.

Making Flight Arrangements for Your Pet

Traveling by air can be a source of anxiety for our furry friends. F Before booking, it’s important to take your time and thoroughly research if you plan to fly with your pet.

You may be interested in the guidelines for traveling with pets. Going Stateside? The TSA has established standard procedures to facilitate the passage of pets through security. Having pets on leashes or in carriers is required, although you might have to temporarily remove the leash and carry your pet through the metal detector. Carriers will also be subject to inspection.

Service animals are by law welcomed on planes. Beyond that, every airline has its own distinct characteristics. Southwest, Alaska, United, American, Delta, Hawaiian, Spirit, and Frontier are some of the airlines that offer the convenience of allowing pets to travel in the cabin. Air Canada allows pet, but if someone on the flight has allergies, your pet won’t be able to fly unless they are in a carrier with a filter.  Always confirm with the airline. These requirements can also differ based on weight restrictions and whether you are allowed to buy a seat for your pet.


How to Book Your Flight

If you’re traveling with your furry companions, it’s best to consider booking a non-stop flight, if available. It’s great if your pet is small enough to accompany you in the cabin during your flight. On the other hand, bigger pets might have to be transported in the luggage compartment.

Consider administering anti-anxiety medication or sedatives to your pet during travel. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving anything to your beloved pet. If you decide to administer any calming medication to your pet, it is important to carefully adhere to the provided instructions.

Fido and Fluffy’s stress levels will increase as the day or flight gets longer. A three-hour direct flight will be much more comfortable for your pet compared to a 14-hour journey with layovers.

It is generally advised to avoid flying with larger dogs unless it is absolutely necessary. The luggage bays are quite noisy and do not offer the same level of climate control as the cabin. If there are any delays, your dear friend may be stuck in his kennel for longer than expected. 

That’s not to say you should never fly with your pets. Just do your research. Visit the websites of each airline and take a look at the reviews left by other travelers who have brought their furry friends along. 

Consult with your veterinarian as well. You may need travel documents. Additionally, your pet may need additional vaccinations or treatments for parasites. 

Additionally, it’s important to make sure your pet has a microchip and is wearing identification tags. GPS tags are also a great idea. Take a thorough look at all the different options available before making a purchase.

Make sure that your contact information is on file with the carrier. You can achieve this by using baggage tags, although a mailing label covered with clear tape would also work perfectly fine.

Exploring While On Vacation

Once you arrive at your destination, keep Fido on a leash or contained within a secure fenced area. Look into any potential hazards in the area. Each habitat is home to its own distinct plant and animal life, some of which can pose risks.

After you’ve completed the check-in process, take your furry friend for a leisurely walk and allow him to explore. This is an excellent way for you and your pet to get a sense of your surroundings while enjoying quality time together. Remember to capture some adorable photos!

Schedule An Appointment At Our London, On Pet Clinic

Does your pet require a travel certificate? Feel free to contact us for any of your pet’s veterinary care needs. As your London, ON pet hospital, we are here to assist!

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