
Pet Nutrition: What to Feed Your Furry Friend

Do your furry companions get thrilled about dinnertime? We’re guessing the answer to that is yes. While our patients’ perspectives on most topics differ greatly, the bulk of our furry friends agree on one thing: they all enjoy meals and snacks. Filling Fluffy and Fido’s bowls isn’t difficult, but deciding what to put in them might be tricky. This article features advice on pet feeding from a local London, ON veterinarian.

Which Pet Food Ingredients Should I Avoid?

One of the most significant factors to consider is What exactly is in your pet’s food. Many varieties of human and pet diets are highly processed these days, and they may contain fillers, preservatives, and other ingredients. Some are fine, but others may be more than just subpar; some may be downright unhealthy.

Here are a few items you should avoid in your pet’s food:

Corn Syrup/High Fructose Corn Syrup: If you’ve developed the habit of reading food labels, you may have noticed that corn syrup is now found in practically everything. It has been associated with a variety of human medical disorders, including heart disease, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. It is not harmful to Fido, but it is high in sugar and usually not good for him. Further research is needed here as well.

Artificial Preservatives: Some of the most commonly used include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and ethoxyquin. These can be found in a variety of wet and dry foods, as well as treats.

Artificial Food Coloring: Dyes will not improve your pet’s health. They are typically used to make the finished product appear more appealing and uniform to humans. Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are especially problematic. They all contain benzidine, a recognized carcinogen.

Rendered Fat: Rendered fat may sound sensible. However it is frequently prepared by combining and boiling the undesired portions left over after animals are processed for meat. Unfortunately, some of the animals could have been ill or infected.

Propylene Glycol: Propylene glycol, which is commonly used in treats for both Fido and Fluffy, helps stabilize foods. It can induce adverse effects if consumed in excessive quantities. It has also been outlawed in Europe, which is cause enough for alarm in and of itself.

Thickening Agents: While thickening agents are unlikely to be among the most harmful foods, they are nevertheless not without drawbacks. Carrageenan, guar, xanthan, and cassia gum are some of those that are often utilized. They also offer features such as stability and texture. However, some studies suggest that they may be carcinogenic.

Contact your London, ON veterinarian for further information.

How Can I Choose the Right Food?

The first thing we would recommend is that you speak with your veterinarian. While we may discuss some broad ideas, it’s vital to remember that each pet is unique. Several factors influence this, including your pet’s age, health, breed, and lifestyle, as well as any medical concerns they may have. An underweight Pomeranian will have quite distinct dietary requirements than a plump Lab, and a young St. Bernard will require a different diet than an elderly Chihuahua.

Aside from that, stick to products that have received AFFCO accreditation. AFFCO, or the Association of American Feed Control Officials, is a non-profit organization that monitors pet food ingredients, production procedures, and quality standards. They work to guarantee that pet food fulfills the quality requirements required to keep pets healthy, as well as that the nutrients are in the proper amounts. A seal of approval from them indicates that the brand has been thoroughly assessed.

The AFFCO divides pet food components and nutrition into six categories.

Water: Of course, your pet should always have access to fresh water. Water is also an ingredient in meals. The moisture content of your pet’s food could impact how well they absorb the nutrients. For instance, our feline friends actually need quite a bit of moisture in their diets. Cats’ natural foods include things like mice and birds. Fluffy also consumes her prey raw, therefore her normal diet includes a lot of water.

Carbohydrates (with fiber): Carbohydrates give dogs with energy in the form of glucose, which is essential for keeping them running and jumping and basically being their adorable selves. Cats, on the other hand, need no carbohydrates in their diet. Fluffy will still obtain carbs and fiber in the wild from her prey. However, carbs should not be the primary item in a dog or cat’s diet. Proportion is key here. Something that is loaded with wheat, corn, and other carbs won’t be as healthy as a food that is mostly meat-based but also contains some carbs.

Vitamins: Vitamins help many of your pet’s organs and systems. Distinct vitamins have distinct functions. We won’t go into detail about all of them, save to say that vitamins must be added in the proper proportions. Neither too much nor too little is safe. Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, iron, zinc, and calcium are all vital nutrients for pets.

Minerals: Minerals are also important for your pet’s health since they help your pet’s internal systems function properly. Dogs and cats require iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium.

Fat: Fat gives Fido energy, keeps his coat and skin healthy, and decreases inflammation. It is also important for helping pets absorb nutrition. Fat also is crucial to allowing your pet’s body to produce hormones, and additionally provides insulation and protection. Linoleic acid, flaxseed, and fish oils are some of the fat sources that may be found in pet foods. Fatty acids, which are substances including omega-3 and omega-6 acids, are essential for pets.

Protein: Protein is essential for pets’ cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, fur, claws, muscle, and even blood cells. As it degrades, it produces important amino acids that are necessary for your pet’s health and survival. Animal-based proteins commonly used in pet food include chicken, lamb, fish meal, beef, and eggs. Plant-based proteins include corn gluten meal, soybean meal, and beans.

Making Sense of Confusing Pet Food Labels

One of the best things you can do is develop the habit of reading food labels. This is when things become a little complicated. Many companies employ deceptive marketing strategies to make their items appear better than they are.

AAFCO-approved foods must have a few key pieces of information on their labels.

  • Brand name
  • Product name
  • Name of animal for which the meal is intended (dog, cat, etc.).
  • Quality Statement
  • List Of Ingredients
  • Feeding Instructions
  • Analysis. This is a huge one because it shows the percentages of the nutrients mentioned previously. While some elements may be specified with a maximum percentage and others with minimums, the list must be presented in a precise order and in measured units.
  • A statement of nutritional sufficiency that “indicates that the food is complete and balanced for a particular life stage, such as growth, reproduction, adult maintenance or a combination of these, or intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding only.”
  • Manufacturer or distributor’s name and address

The ingredient list can be difficult to navigate, thanks in large part to labeling rules. For example, if an ingredient appears in the name of a product, it must account for at least 95% of the item. However, there are methods around this. Something using the word ‘flavor’ just has to have roughly 3% of that ingredient. The term ‘meat meal’ can also be misleading. Meat meal consists of processed leftover parts, and is a far cry from actual meat.

Ask your London, ON veterinarian for precise recommendations on what to feed Fido and Fluffy. That involves receiving advice on topics such as food sizes and feeding times.

Book An Appointment At Our London, ON Pet Clinic

Have you got any questions or worries concerning your pet’s diet? Are you wondering what to feed your pet? Contact us, your local London, ON pet hospital, at any time.

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