
Celebrating Pet Appreciation Week

Pet Appreciation Week starts June 7th. With so much doom and gloom in the news, it’s important to take time for fun stuff … like spending time with our animal companions! A local London, ON vet discusses pet appreciation week below.

Why Pets Matter

Pets are there for us through thick and thin, offering support, cuddles, and love when we need it most. Our furry pals have been a huge comfort to us in recent days. Celebrating this special week isn’t going to change tomorrow’s headlines. However, it will give you something to occupy yourself with, and hopefully put a smile on your face. 

What To Do

There are plenty of thing you can do to celebrate this special day. Treats are a great bet! Dogs and cats can have some shredded deli meat, sodium-free broth, or a bit of plain, cooked, boneless meat, fish, or chicken. Store-bought treats are also fine. Another option is to buy or make a new toy. A fun play session is also in order. If you have a dog, you can also take your canine friend for a long walk, and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. This will be good for you both! Just be sure to use proper precautions, and, of course, keep washing your hands.

For The Kids

Are your kids staying home this summer? Look up some DIY crafts they can make for pets. They can make Fluffy a box castle, or make a rope toy for Fido. This is a great way to both spoil your pet a bit and keep your kids occupied. You can also have them draw your furry buddy, bathe them, or even make some homemade goodies.

Quality Time

The only bright side of all of this is that many people are able to truly savor some uninterrupted family time. That includes pets, too! At the end of the day, most of our furry friends really want nothing more than to spend time with their favorite humans. Every night this week, pick out a cute animal movie or documentary, and settle in for some quiet time and cuddles. Be sure to pay lots of attention to the family pet! This may also make for some cute photos.

Please reach out to us, your local London, ON vet clinic, anytime. We are dedicated to helping our community get through this tough year!

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