
Pet Toxins Already Inside Your Home

That’s right—many, if not all, of the following pet poisons may already be found inside your home. There’s no need to panic, though; all it takes is a few simple precautions to keep your furry friend from harm! Learn more below from your vet in London, ON.

Poisonous Plant Life

The list of potentially poisonous or irritating houseplants and flowers is quite long. Some of the more common offenders include lilies, tulips, daffodils, the sago palm, certain aloe plants, dieffenbachia, oleander, ivy, chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and elephant ear. Do some research to find out about all the poisonous plants and flowers out there, and ask your vet what types are most common in your area.

Toxic Foods

Most typical kitchens contain various foods that pets shouldn’t have, including chocolate, candy, grapes and raisins, fatty foods, salt, onions, garlic, chives, avocado, caffeinated beverages and foods, alcohol, and many, many more. Never leave harmful foods out on countertops or tables where pets may be able to swipe them down; instead, store all hazardous foods inside cabinets or the refrigerator.

Human Medicines

Were you aware that various human medicines—everything from aspirin and cough syrup to prescription pills and antidepressants—can prove harmful if a pet were to ingest them? It’s important that you keep all medicine out of pets’ reach, as a determined pet may even be able to chew through a plastic medicine bottle. Also take care not to get your pet’s medications and your own medicine mixed up; store them in separate areas to be safe.

Pesticide Products

Occurrences of pesticide-related poisonings usually increase during the colder months of the year, when insect pests and outdoor rodents infiltrate our homes seeking warmth. Remember that pesticides, rodenticides, and the like can poison our companion animals just as easily as the pests that they’re designed to kill! Place pesticides with extreme caution, and try to put them in areas where pets won’t go. Try asking your vet about pet-safe, non-toxic options as well.

Cleaning Supplies

Don’t let your pet go exploring in your cleaning closet. Everything from bleach, ammonia, and floor polish to household disinfectants and air fresheners can prove harmful if a pet were to ingest too much. Keep your cleaning closet closed when you’re not using the products inside.

Ask your London, ON veterinarian about other potential toxins in your home and how to keep your pet safe from harm.

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