
Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth

February is Pet Dental Health Month! This is one topic we are always happy to shed light on. Your dog’s dental health is very important! Just like people, dogs can suffer from painful dental issues, such as gum disease, abscesses, and cracked or broken teeth. One of the best things you can do to keep your pet’s teeth healthy is to brush them. Read on as a London, ON vet discusses brushing Fido’s teeth.

Start Slow

Your pooch will need to get used to the idea of having his teeth brushed. At first, just gently rub your canine buddy’s teeth and gums with your finger. You can wear a finger toothbrush, or wrap your finger in gauze. Incorporate lots of cuddles, and tell Fido he’s a good boy. These sessions don’t have to last long: a few minutes a day is plenty. Then, you can slowly start incorporating pet toothpaste and a doggy toothbrush.

Time It Right

You’ll want to choose a time when Fido is feeling tired and cuddly, like after his post-dinner walk. This will be much easier than trying to clean your pup’s teeth when he wants to play!


You don’t have to do Fido’s entire mouth every day. Just do one section at a time, and keep rotating. Your pooch will still benefit.

Use The Right Products

You should only use toothbrushes and toothpastes that are made for specifically for dogs. Products made for humans are neither safe nor suitable for Fido!

Stick To Schedule

Try to make brushing Fido’s teeth a normal part of your daily routine. If possible, do this at the same time every night. That way, your four-legged buddy will just start thinking of it as part of his daily doggy schedule.

Make It Fun

It’s very important for your pup to form a positive association with getting his choppers brushed. How do you do that? Treats! Offer Fido a yummy snack after you’ve finished brushing his choppers.

Other Options

Some dogs just won’t tolerate having their teeth brushed. If you can’t get Fido to accept the toothbrush, you can try other options. Dental-formula treats and chews will help fight plaque and tartar. You can also use dental flakes or oral rinses. Ask your vet for more information.

Do you know or suspect that your dog has dental issues? Contact us, your London, ON vet clinic, today!

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