
Caring for Your Dog in Winter

Are you prepared for winter? Ontario’s winters are not exactly known for being mild or balmy. In order to keep your canine friend happy, healthy, and safe during the winter months, and keep that furry tail wagging, you may need to make some adjustments to your dog’s care regimen. A London, ON vet discusses winter dog care in this article.


Walking on snow, sand, ice, salt, and chemical de-icing agents can all cause painful abrasions on your canine pal’s furry feet. If Fido won’t go for wearing booties, use paw balm or wax to protect his paws. Keeping your furry buddy’s claws clipped is also very important. Overgrown nails will make it harder for your pooch to walk on slippery surfaces, and can also aggravate painful bone/joint disorders, like arthritis. If you’re uneasy doing it yourself, contact us to schedule a quick manicure appointment.


Dogs with thin fur may need extra protection from the cold. Consider getting your pooch a doggy sweater to keep him warm. Take Fido’s measurements before you go shopping, as you want to be sure to get clothes that fit properly, and aren’t too tight or restricting.


We strongly recommend that dogs live indoors, especially in winter. If Fido does spend a lot of time outdoors, make sure he has a warm, well-insulated doghouse. Your canine pal will also need a nice, comfy bed to snuggle up in on those cold winter nights.


You may prefer to keep those daily walks short and sweet on frigid days. Don’t let your pooch become a couch potato! Keep Fido active indoors with games like fetch. Ask your vet for specific recommendations on exercising your dog.


Some dogs may need to eat more than usual during the cold months. If Fido is a working dog, a puppy, or spends a lot of time outside, he may need bigger portions in winter. Your furry pal may also benefit from taking healthy supplements. For instance, if your canine friend has arthritis, fish oil may help keep his joints lubricated. This will help soothe those aches and pains, which often get worse in cold weather. Ask your vet for recommendations before making any changes to your pet’s diet.

Do you have any questions or concerns about your dog’s care? We can help! Please contact us, your London, ON vet clinic, anytime.

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